The Market and Workplace in a Democratic Socialism
This paper lays out a model that seeks to marry firm-level democracy with macroeconomic growth and solidaristic wage policy.
Where Did the Bullshit Jobs Go?
Does capitalism in fact produce bullshit jobs? This essay examines David Graeber’s influential argument that it does and suggests it is flawed in important respects.
The Panthers Can Save Us Now
This essay argues that the Black Panthers ought to be considered exemplars of the socialist rejection of elite identity politics.
The Young Lords and Their Legacy
The Young Lords played a critical role in the Puerto Rican and broader Latino movement in the 1970s, taking their inspiration in part from the Black Panthers. We consider how the Lords tried to catalyze broad Puerto Rican unity, the class tensions within the movement, and its eventual eclipse by a more elite identity politics.
A Literary International?
During the interwar years, the Communist International promoted the development of a literary wing of the international communist movement, bringing together writers from the capitalist core as well as the colonial world. Even while official Communism was becoming narrower and more rigid in its political doctrine, the goal of supporting a literature that was “proletarian in content, national in form” met with considerable success.