Masters Series GAMSAT Organic Chemistry Preparation by Gold

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Masters Series GAMSAT Organic Chemistry Preparation by Gold is available to buy in increments of 1
All-New Features: Each chapter begins with an updated list of what to commit to memory, what you should understand (your learning objectives) and the % Importance of that chapter based on the number of times content in that chapter would have been helpful to solve specific problems among ACER's officially released 440 Section 3 MCQs. Each chapter ends with: 1) Spoiler Alerts listing official MCQs to continue your chapter-specific practice; 2) Chapter Checklists to further guide your note-taking and confirm that you have met your learning objectives for that chapter. MCQs are now in the book with answers, helpful worked solutions and free discussion boards for all worked solutions online (free access for the original owner for 2 years). Come learn from our experience.
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Weight 0.980000
ISBN13/Barcode 9781927338544
ISBN10 1927338549
Binding Paperback
Date Published 9th March 2021
Report Date 2022/11/17
Pages 314
Publisher RuveneCo Inc.