Videnskab og Helse med Nogle til Skriften
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In Danish and English.
Based on the Bible, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures is the foundational textbook of
Christian Science. It explores our relationship with God and the power of prayer in meeting all
human needs. Author Mary Baker Eddy shows how the Bible helps us understand and apply the
spiritual laws of God in a reliable system of healing.
Weight | 0.400000 |
ISBN13/Barcode | 9780879521035 |
ISBN10 | 0879521031 |
Author | Mary Baker Eddy |
Binding | Paperback |
Date Published | 24th April 2003 |
Pages | 1328 |
Publisher | Writings of Mary Baker Eddy |
Videnskab og Helse med Nøgle til Skriften
Videnskab og Helse med Nøgle til Skriften – baseret på Bibelen, er den grundlæggende lærebog
for Kristen Videnskab. Den udforsker vores forhold til Gud og hvor kraftfuld bøn er, i forhold til
at imødekomme alle menneskelige behov. Forfatteren, Mary Baker Eddy, viser hvordan Bibelen
hjælper os med at forstå og anvende Guds åndelige kærlighed, i et pålideligt helbredelsesystem.
Videnskab og Helse inkluderer kapitler om ”Bøn”, ”Ægteskab”, ”Videnskab, teologi, medicin”
samt ”Kristen Videnskabs praksis”. De sidste 85 sider inkluderer personlige udsagn fra folk, der
blev helbredt ved at læse Videnskab og Helse. Disse helbredelser inkluderer hjertesygdomme,
kræft, grå stær, reumatisme, knoglebrud og døvhed med mere. Endnu vigtigere for disse læsere
var, en fornyet følelse af Guds grænseløse kærlighed og en forvandling af deres liv.
Dette er den autoriserede udgave af Videnskab og Helse med Nøgle til Skriften udgivet af
Bestyrelsen for Christian Science.
Based on the Bible, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures is the foundational textbook of
Christian Science. It explores our relationship with God and the power of prayer in meeting all
human needs. Author Mary Baker Eddy shows how the Bible helps us understand and apply the
spiritual laws of God in a reliable system of healing.
Science and Health includes chapters on “Prayer,” “Marriage,” “Science, Theology, and
Medicine,” and “Christian Science Practice.” The last 100 pages include personal statements
from those who were healed by reading Science and Health. These healings include heart
disease, cancer, cataracts, rheumatism, broken bones, deafness, and more. Even more valued by
these readers was a renewed sense of God’s boundless love and their lives being reformed.
This is the authorized edition of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures published by the
Christian Science Board of Directors.